Happy House Attends Heritage Weekend
The North Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce, along with the Kiwanis Club joint sponsored Heritage Weekend at Northridge Park. There was a full blown carnival, games, cheerleaders, fireworks and much more. Happy House had a booth where they handed out booklets and talked to guests about the Good Choices Program.
Nancy Cartwright was there and chatted with some local community members, including several volunteers from the LAPD Cadet program. She autographed a couple booklets each and let the young men know that their own program is very much aligned with the Good Choices program.
Upon finding that out, one of the Cadets asked for a couple more booklets to give to his brothers and sisters.
That is the beauty of the program. It is meant to be “passed forward” and on and on.
They walked away, with their booklets and big smiles on their faces.