by admin_marty | Mar 6, 2019
Allison was sick and tired of all the arguing and name calling. It seemed that all she heard around election time was mean talk and cocky acting people. It infected everyone including her parents and neighbors and she had friends who wouldn’t hang out with other...
by admin_marty | Mar 6, 2019
When we have a big party, or a Holiday type celebration, my Aunt Trish is always the first one to arrive and the last one to leave. She doesn’t do it to be annoying, but to help out. And this is BIG help not little help because I come from a BIG family. I have four...
by admin_marty | Mar 6, 2019
It was seven-thirty in the morning and it was like every morning in Sandy’s house. She was sitting with her head in her hand, tapping her foot and waiting. She knew she would be late. She knew she would have to explain to her teacher, once again, “We had trouble...
by admin_marty | Mar 6, 2019
Chapter 13: Do Not Steal It seemed like such a little thing. Who would miss just one pack of gum? That’s what Trent was thinking when he noticed his very own hand reach out and take the pack and shove it in his pocket. He made it out of the store and felt so relieved....
by admin_marty | Mar 6, 2019
This is an improvisation for older kids. This is done with two participants who are going to “act out” a situation. It is important that the remainder of the group observes exactly what happens in the scene, especially as far as emotions go. Set up a chair or two and...